Our bikes arrive 85% pre-assembled, meaning you only need to install the front tire, handlebar, display, and pedals on your bike. You can find detailed assembly instructions by following this link:
If you need further assistance with the assembly of the bike, here are the recommended options:
Contact Favorite Support Team: If you prefer personalized assistance, you can contact our Favorite support team and schedule a Zoom video support session. Our dedicated team will guide you through the assembly process and answer any questions you may have.
Local Bike Shop: Most bike shops can assemble our bikes. It's a standard mechanical process, and no electronic work is needed. Building a relationship with your local shop can benefit you in the long run. Need help finding one?
Velotooler: This platform offers mobile mechanics we suggest for assembly. Do remember, these mechanics are independent contractors, so quality may differ. Make sure to research before choosing a mechanic through Velotooler.
Velofix: A trustworthy resource for Mobile Mechanics. If available in your region, Velofix ensures a consistent quality standard but may charge a premium for their mobile services.
REI: For those with access to REI, they provide assembly, tune-ups, and repairs. Their services are quick and reliable, but it's best to call your local REI first to confirm what they offer for your Favoritebikes as offerings may vary by location.